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Debby's Freebies -- Crafts
Still a new page - but here's a few more and building!! I know there's lots of patterns out there!! Last updated 12/01/01.
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About Crochet Free site from About.com -- lots of info!!
Annie's Attic Absolutely TONS of cross stitch patterns - lots on sale now super cheap!!
Bible Crafts Really cool crafts - bible oriented -- if you have kids check this out!!
Big Red Book of Children's Crafts 101 fun and easy arts & crafts projects for 3-6 year olds - not free but good deal at $14.95!!
Brass Stencils Over 2000 designs of crafting brass & steel templates. Lots of free hints and directions.
Christmas Projects Do-It-Yourself Christmas Decorations with step-by-step instructions, complete with patterns and illustrations, are the focus of this website.
Cloth Doll Patterns free!!
CM Craft Pattern Club Looks like a new club - already 89 patterns
Coats and Clark Free stuff for sewing and quilting. Includes several free patterns and tips.
Cover Girls Free crochet lessons -- free Apache Tears afghan pattern, free baby afghan pattern includes lessons for left handers!!
Couchman Creations Site dedicated to displaying cross stitch designs ranging from Marine Life to Australian and endangered wildlife themes - designs are for sale, but free sample is available also.
Craft Creations Downloadable free craft projects - cool site!!
Craftopia NOT a freebie site - but they advertise over 60,000 craft projects - and usually have one free project.
Craft Freebies OODLES of cross-stitch, crochet, tatting, knitting and other patterns - all FREE!!
CraftTac CraftTac archival adhesive makes it easy to stick die-cuts and odd-shaped pieces into scrapbooks. Sometimes free sample.
CraftTown Free craft patterns, projects and tutorials --crafts to make or buy from Country to Victorian. Patterns to crochet, knit, sew, quilt, and more.
Crochet n More Oodles of free crochet patterns - pictures of each pattern is helpful!!
DealCatcher.com - FREE On-line Coupons & Deals!
--absolutely OODLES of good deals and coupons - you HAVE to check it out.
DLTK Kids Crafts DLTK's Crafts for Kids features a variety of fun children's crafts and coloring pages including projects for holidays, educational themes and some of our children's favorite cartoon characters. There are lots of printable templates suitable for ages 2 and up. (includes Bible crafts)
DMC Creative World Free needlework patterns and lots of tips.
Easy Grapher Demos of EasyGrapher II and EasyGrapher Professional II -- computer software for needlework designers who want to design cross stitch graphs.
Family Corner Fun family site -- new craft directions monthly.
Fiskars Lots of craft sites/projects including many for sewing/quilting - definitely worth checking out!!
Free Patterns Free patterns available (Acrobat Reader format)-- includes crochet, cross-stitch, crafts, plastic canvas, quilting and knitting. Free to sign up.
Guess the Destination and Win a Vacation!

Hancock Fabrics Free projects -- Lots of project instructions
Just Heavenly Host your own online parties to receive a credit towards any items in our mall...FREE!
Kasey Kangeroo Crafts December freebie is needlepoint pattern for U. S. Flag -- lots of other free patterns listed monthly.
Knitting on "Yarnit" Site for original knitting patterns - free.
Making Friends Site created for kids -- "new generation of paper dolls" -- also how to make your own t-shirt and much more!!
Make Stuff Free (SASE) and low cost ($1-$2) craft patterns - includes Christmas crafts.
Making Friends "Friends" paper doll and other crafts for kids.
Marshmallow Peeps Lots of recipes and crafts using marshmallow peeps - cool imagination
Mary's Craft Corner Free Pattern Links/Other Craft Project Sites - lots of crochet sites here
Measuring Tape Not a freebie or craft site -- but free measuring tape is free measuring tape!! (GOT mine - full size)
Mountain Bike Magazine -
Subscribe now and you'll get two FREE gifts!
Nancy's Sewing and Craft Room Variety of free sample patterns from Martingale & Company, publisher of America's Best-Loved Craft and Hobby Books™.
NeedleMaid Free charts and lessons for cross-stitch
Nora Hall Carving Site contains everything you need to know about Nora Hall and her work, as well as a wealth of woodcarving resources designed to get you going in the right direction! Includes woodcarving videos!
North Pole Christmas Christmas craft projects -- Online Primitive Wood Patterns with step-by-step instructions, full size patterns and color photos.
Nostalgia Needlework OOdles of free downloadable patterns - requires their special reader (also free) -- need their viewer/printer.
Pattern Page On-line pattern catalog. Through these web pages, you can order patterns from Crafters from all over the country. (currently over 1500 patterns!!)
Planet Pals Lots of free patterns and craft ideas including Beadie Babies crafts, paper dolls, heart paper cutouts, Japanese oragami and more!!
Plastic Canvas Patterns Free plastic canvas patterns, including several religious oriented.
Prairie Schooler Free needlepoint pattern for visiting site.
Quilt in a Day Not a freebie site, but excellent place for patterns, books, supplies, etc. for quilting.
Quilt Star Pattern Printable star pattern for quilting.
Rit Dye Directions to make picture frames, tie-dye and other craft projects. Write: Rit, PO Box 307 - AA FSOO, Coventry, CT 06238

Soap Recipes Site is advertisement for Seventy Tried and True Ways to Make Modern Soap!! However, site also includes sample recipes, directions, sites to get supplies and much more!!
Sue's Crochet and Knitting Site Lots of Sue's own patterns free, plus links to others -- also links for weaving!! (personal use only)